Tuesday, January 21, 2014

There and back again

Well, since it has been about a year since I've last done anything with this blog, I figured it was about time I write again. As much as I would like to say that I put my time into the highest pursuits of life, my time is often taken up with the demands and responsibilities of a job, a home, and the million little things that pop up right as soon as I think I am about to have some leisure time. I glanced at posts from the long distant past of last year and noticed that in just one week from tomorrow it will have been a whole year, can you imagine, a whole year since I have written anything of substance; well anything at all really and there was so much fodder for conversation this past year! Sporting events, political scandals, record breaking weather, entering into engagement with the love of my life, family gatherings,   world travels and much more were packed into the last year or so, yet it is gone and time to start fresh I think, since my memory will certainly fail me if I try and recount the many adventures the year of our Lord, two thousand thirteen held. So it's onward and upward, I hope you will join me for the ride!

       As I sit here at the kitchen table watching the snow flakes as they continue to drift downward adding to the billowing blanket that covers the yard, I know there is much for which I ought to be thankful. Even the blessing of being inside, warm, sipping hot cocoa, and beholding the beauty of a winter wonderland is a marvelous, unexpected gift for which due thanks ought to be offered. Gift. Blessing.
       Our whole life is made up of gifts and blessings of various sorts. Blessings and gifts are so bountiful that were we to begin counting today, long ere death knocked at our door would we finish. Even grasping this astounding truth and the enormity of the gifts given to each of us, my days are often spent in moping, moaning, and wishing the world was different. What a coarse sort of way to live, by bemoaning the very gifts that have been given to us. For instance, the weather today. It is day of bitter cold, snow, and blustery wind, yet also a beauty at once soft and fierce. The gift of today is unfortunately missed by many and sadly so, it is often overlooked by me as well.
       Let us then be resolved not to pass over these treasures. These oft unlooked for jewels of gifts that are right beneath our very feet. Taking the time to stop and remember truly gives one the right perspective, looking outward, and appreciating all that is in our lives. It truly is a wonderful life!

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