Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Why not smile and say thanks?

Boy howdy is it nice outside! Weather is such an interesting phenomenon, it flits from windy to still, from the bitter cold to the soft warmth of a spring day all within a winter's week! As I sit here sipping on my morning cup of Joe which has turned into an afternoon cup of Joe as usually happens, I am so happy; so happy to be here, in this place, in this moment in time. Good gravy, as my father often says, it sure is so beautiful today! Because it is such an incredible day right in the midst of winter, I won't be writing for long, but I do think that the weather can teach us a valuable lesson and I'd like to share my short reflections with you because they came upon me in such a pleasant manner and made me smile.
      I've noticed in my life that after I have a fulfilling day, weekend, reunion or whatever wonderful experience, I am often filled with a sense of sadness because that time has passed by and never will return. You see, as human beings I think we often travel the mountains and valleys of life but miss the glory and the importance of the valleys because we spend our time looking back up the mountain we just descended.
       I was feeling such a sense of sadness this morning after an exhausting but wonderful weekend, until I started to realize that by looking back up the mountain (metaphorically and literally since we were skiing this past weekend) I would miss the joy of this day. Now, the beauty of the temperature, the sunshine and the melody of the birds that drifts through the open door, reminds me that I need not be sad, I need not long for what has passed. For the weather changes from cold to warm, from frost to dew, without a thought for the cold or the frost in the past. Not to say we ought to forget about what has passed, but to fondly remember what has passed in thanksgiving and with a smile. Nostolgia, what a funny little word and yet what a powerful feeling. Rather than slip into nostaliga and trip into tears, why not smile and say thanks? The weather only has the moment, the current time, so it is with us. Perhaps the valley actually is as beautiful as it seems from the mountain top!

Thanks, weather, for reminding me of the value of living in the moment, of taking full advantage of the present, for it truly is perfect; it truly is all we have. Shalom!

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