Sunday, November 20, 2011

In Thanksgiving to Christ the King

       Sitting by the light of a candle relaxing in the evening of this marvelous feast of Christ the King, I was in the mood to write something here... yet I think I will just leave this page mostly blank to allow you the time to reflect on everything you have received in your life. Seriously, take some time, close your eyes and think of all you have been given, the incredible blessings that this life is made of... as I am writing I hear the words "Come thou font of every blessing" playing from the radio and it is indeed an applicable phrase of praise to give to our Lord, the King of kings. He is the font of all blessings. He gives us only what is good. So take some time and give him thanks and praise. Truly, our whole lives ought to be made up of thanksgiving to Christ our King!

May the peace of Christ be with you!

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