Friday, December 23, 2011

One night in Bethlehem

       Centuries have passed, tears of incredible sorrows have washed the earth, joys and wonders have abounded, nations have risen and empires fallen, through it all there is a story, a legend, a myth that has remained... or perhaps, it is more than that. In the midst of all the ancient pagan cults, the gods of Olympus, the cults of Saturnalia and Baal, the gods of Egypt, the human sacrificing cult to Pan, there is a story that rises and befuddles the consciousness of all believers in such things. A story so strange, so bold, and at first glance so... pathetic comes upon the scene.

G.K. Chesterton on Santa Claus | Besides the Bible

G.K. Chesterton on Santa Claus | Besides the Bible

Thursday, December 22, 2011

The God debate

       So as we approach Christmas (only three days away now!) I wanted to share with you all concerning a conversation over that wonderful social networking tool, Facebook, I had with a self-professed atheist.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Discussion about Rick Santorum

  • The first post is my original post on my facebook page hoping to drum up support for Rick Santorum.

    On Being A Consistent Conservative and Winning:

    "This is not about what you say at the debate. In 1994, I was not supporting an individual mandate. I authored Medical Savings Accounts because I believe in a bottom up approach and I have never strayed. The record is important and what the question is was who is a consistent conservative. I would agree with Michele, but she's been fighting and losing. I have been fighting and won. I won and passed Welfare Reform. I was the leader on pro-life and pro-family issues. I went out and fought on national security, and imposed sanctions on Iran. I was there in good times and in bad. I was there, I led, and I won... I was in the minority and along with Jim Nussle we formed the Gang of Seven, and we won. We exposed the House Banking scandal and sent the Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee to jail. We figured out how to win, even though we were in the minority."

    On Fidelity:

Voices Empower

Check this post on Rick Santorum's support of Spector back in the day and why he did what he did.

The American Catholic

The American Catholic

Check out this blog...

Monday, December 12, 2011

Rome oh sweet home!

       For some reason today, memories of my time living in Roma, Italy washed over me like a pleasantly warm breeze. Those days remain vividly in my memory no matter how much time passes. Having been blessed to travel to Roma on three separate occasions, I have a wide range of memories stemming from each stint in the Eternal City but none more vivid than the last two trips I took; one for three months and the other for a month and a half. There is something so enthralling, so evocative, transcendent, and even sacred about spending time abroad

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Feast of Saint Nicholas

December 6, has always been one of my favorite days of the year because it is the feast of Saint Nicholas. Growing up in a Catholic household we held to the tradition of leaving a shoe out by the front door on the eve of this feast, and sure enough, the next day they would be filled with some kind of treats. Never considering the possibility that the tasty treats might be affected by the lovely aromas and remnants of sweat, mud, and grass, they were all greatly enjoyed. Not only did the sweets make a nice impression on me as a child, but I knew that that Advent was well on its way and that Christmas was coming soon. And what child does not look forward to the coming of Christmas?

Thursday, December 1, 2011

The Christmas Question

       This morning as I sat in my office sipping my second cup of coffee and skimming through the numerous emails that accrued after a day out sick, I saw one from a student asking me to respond to this question for an editorial in the school newspaper. The question he posed was, "In your opinion as a religion teacher, how can we keep Jesus' birth and the religious aspect of Christmas alive now that it's become so detached?" I am sure the student did not envision any sort of problem with the question itself, but even before I even began to ponder how to answer it,