Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Discussion about Rick Santorum

  • The first post is my original post on my facebook page hoping to drum up support for Rick Santorum.

    On Being A Consistent Conservative and Winning:

    "This is not about what you say at the debate. In 1994, I was not supporting an individual mandate. I authored Medical Savings Accounts because I believe in a bottom up approach and I have never strayed. The record is important and what the question is was who is a consistent conservative. I would agree with Michele, but she's been fighting and losing. I have been fighting and won. I won and passed Welfare Reform. I was the leader on pro-life and pro-family issues. I went out and fought on national security, and imposed sanctions on Iran. I was there in good times and in bad. I was there, I led, and I won... I was in the minority and along with Jim Nussle we formed the Gang of Seven, and we won. We exposed the House Banking scandal and sent the Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee to jail. We figured out how to win, even though we were in the minority."

    On Fidelity:

    "Character counts, all of your record - personal and political. I would not say it is a disqualifier, people make mistakes, and people should hold you accountable. You are electing a leader, trust is everything, particularly in this election. I hear this all the time in Iowa, who can we trust? I have been married for 21 years, I have seven children. I have been consistent and I talk about my past." - Rick Santorum (Presidential Debate)

     I have a hard time trusting Santorum though...check this out! Granted, it was a while ago, but I hate that he bent to political pressure when it came down to the wire:http://libertylinked.com/posts/7872/remembering-rick-santorum/View.aspx

    Toomey had been a proven conservative member of the U. S. House (1999-2005) and ...See More
    3 hours ago ·  · 

  • Patrick http://www.ricksantorum.com/champion-faith-families True enough, but at the same time, I would like to see or hear his reasoning behind his decision. I imagine that there was something more than just going along with Bush/Rove although I could be wrong about that... I wonder if there are any statements from him concerning it.
    3 hours ago ·  · 

  • Patrick I know that is his website, but it does accurately show those pro-family/pro-life measures he has supported.
    3 hours ago · 
     He's done a lot of good in the pro-life movement for sure! And you're probably right about there being something more than just the Bush/Rove deal, but still, this one seems so black-and-white to me. Specter is so ardently pro-choice (he received an 100% rating from NARAL), and Toomey is just the opposite (received an 100% rating from the National Right to Life Committee), that I can't look past it...I can handle politicians compromising on some issues, but just not this one. :(
    2 hours ago · 

  • Daniel Mary - who would you support instead of Santorum? Is there a current candidate that is more honest, consitently argues for the founding principles, lived a more exemplary life, and has more foreign policy experience? I'm not making the lesser of two evils argument, because I believe that Santorum is the best candidate. You have cited one example out of a career of quality leadership where there may have been a mistake, but we do not know all of the behind the scenes information. I think that we need to spend our time support the candidates rather than getting hung up on a potential mistake here or there. No one is perfect, but Santorum is the most conservative candidate in the race. We need to support whoever the GOP candidate because while some of them might not be ideal, they would all be better than Obama.
    2 hours ago · 

  • Mary Hi Daniel! =) I definitely agree that pretty much any of the GOP candidates would be better than Obama...gee, I hope he's not re-elected! I see your point about getting hung up on one incident rather than seeing the whole picture (and it's a very valid point), and I also agree with you that Santorum has done many exemplary things. However, I guess you could call me one of those "one-issue-voters" that CNN loves to hate on, haha. For me, abortion is the issue that decides who I vote for. I mean, don't get me wrong...I pay attention to foreign policy, economic plans, immigration laws, etc...those are all very important! But I don't think I'd be able to vote for a candidate who has compromised his pro-life views...ever. I understand that as a senator, Santorum faced lots of pressure to work with the GOP and support the candidate they wanted him to support, but as a president that pressure increases, and the consequences are even greater. The candidate that I believe to be the most (consistently) pro-life is Ron Paul. I'm not a libertarian and I certainly don't think he's perfect, he's the one GOP candidate I trust to remain consistently pro-life under any sort of pressure. I just can't wrap my head around someone supporting a candidate like Specter who so strongly supports the killing of innocent children. While Paul may not have some of the strengths Santorum has in other areas, I believe that he also is a moral man, but one who won't back down. Sorry, wow, I feel like I just wrote a book, haha.
    58 minutes ago ·  ·  1

  • Patrick First, I guess I'm not convinced that Ron Paul has the skills necessary to accomplish furthering the pro-life cause as President. I also don't think Senator Santorum would cave as president and I'm not convinced that is what happened in the other instance because he has repeatedly put himself on the line when it comes to life issues so it doesn't quite make sense that he would give into political pressure in this instance. (I'm going to do some digging and see what I can find on it.)
    48 minutes ago · 

  • Mary Ok cool! And definitely let me know what you find, I'd be really interested to know!
    47 minutes ago · 

  • Patrick I do agree with you that life and family issues are the most important and determining factors in deciding which candidate to support. There is no question in my mind about that. Archbishop Chaput put it well when he said something along the lines of, "When you reach the gates of heaven and if you are at peace telling the millions of murdered children that the war in Iraq, the economy, international policy, education, or any other issue is more important than their lives, you can go ahead. That is something I could not do."
    45 minutes ago · 

  • Patrick  That link says Toomey also ended up supporting Spector.
    42 minutes ago · 

  • PatrickI know Santorum's reason for supporting Specter in 2004 came down this...

    "The reason I endorsed Arlen Specter is because we were going to have two
    Supreme Court nominees coming up," Rick Santorum said.

    "I got a commitment from Arlen Specter that no matter who George W. Bush would nominate, he would support that nominee."
    taken from this blog http://www.katyabram.com/1/post/2011/06/santorums-specter-support.html

    In 2004, Pennsylvania had an opportunity to have a true conservative Senator nam...See More
    40 minutes ago ·  · 

  • Patrick http://www.voicesempower.com/rick-santorum-profile-in-courage/

    Voices Empower is excited to share with you Foster Friess' endorsement of Presid...See More
    38 minutes ago ·  · 

  • Patrick This blog takes the same instance as a reason to support Santorum and maybe this is the best way to look at it?
  •  It does seem like there is more to the issue than just holding to the party line.
    37 minutes ago · 

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