Monday, August 13, 2012

"There and back again"

Whenever we encounter a turn in the road, a change in life, there is always a good bye... the sun sets on what has been but around the bend the sun rises on new shores and new opportunity. As I dig back into childhood memories I can remember so many summer nights, playing outside until the last streaks of rosy light finally faded from the sky and the sadness that came with the fading light. Not only do I remember a certain twinge of sadness, but also a sense of joy at truly living life to the fullest, or as fully as a six or seven year old can live. There was satisfaction at having used all of the day that God had given; a satisfaction knowing that there was not a wasted minute in my day and that in a few short hours the sun would rise again. This summer has been full of sunsets and twists and turns on the road of life leading me to places where a matter of months or weeks ago I never could have imagined.
If I have learned anything it is that one must always be open to new opportunities and never be so attached to the past to make good byes impossible.
       As a certain acquaintance often says, "The present moment is perfect." So much of our time is spent fretting about the future, or pining for the past and yet so little time is spent being thankful and really living in the present moment. The past is history, the future is not yet, the present is all we have. Why worry about a tomorrow that never comes? We would be so much better served to focus our energy on what is here and now. What we have, who we are here and now, in this very moment is good.
       You see, if we just abandon ourselves to Divine Providence, we can begin to live life to the fullest with not regrets and no strings attached. We have been created in freedom yet for my part I seem to spend an awful lot of time enslaving myself to this or that whether its a new piece of technology, a new duty, a new worry, another sin, or some sort of petty affair, I seem to constantly give myself over to so many things besides complete trust in our Lord. Perhaps we feel that if I do enough of this or I reach out to this many people this week then I will be doing the Lord's work, I will be satisfied and fulfilled. Or perhaps if I invest my money and talents in the newest, most fashionable fad or cause I will be appreciated and feel better about myself. Of course all of this is mere silliness. Neither you nor I can do anything to be fulfilled our satisfied if it is apart from Jesus Christ. We were created by Him and for Him and our hearts are restless until they rest in Him. If we can allow ourselves to be wrapped in the love of Christ's Sacred Heart all of our responsibilities and duties, the sometimes humdrum nature of daily life begins to fit into its proper place, bowing in grateful worship to our Heavenly Father. Everything we do becomes an opportunity to be an act of joy. Joy, how much it is missing from our world, from our hearts... from my heart! Jump into Christ's presence with both feet! Be immersed in the joy of His love and really begin to live! Let go and let Jesus Christ into your heart. He came so that we might have life and have it to the full, and he accomplished this by coming into the world to die. We are born to live while Christ was born to die. Let us give thanks for what we have been given and let us invest our whole selves in abandonment to Divine Providence. Peace be with you!

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