Thursday, March 29, 2012

Ave Maria - John Jerome Rooney

Lady thy soldier I would be
This day I choose thy shield
And go thrice-armored for the fight
Forth to the world's wide field.

There I shall meet the dark allies,
the flesh, the fiend, the world,
and fiercely shall their darts of fire
upon my heart be hurled.

But I will raise my buckler strong
Betwixt me and the foe,
and with the Spirit's flaming sword,
shall give them blow for blow.

Lady, thy sailor I would be,
This day I sign my name
to sail the high seas of the earth
for glory of thy fame.

The tempest may besiege my bark
the pirate life in wait:
The perils of the monstrous deep
may tempt oerwhelming fate.

Yet wheresoe-er my ship may steer
Upon the waters wide
Thy name shall be my compass sure,
Thy star my midnight guide.

Thy poet lady I would be,
to sing thy peerless praise;
Thy loyal bard, I'd bring to thee,
Heart-music from all lays.

Soft melody outpoured in June
by God's dear feathered throng,
Would mingle with the organ's roll
to glorify my song

And Dante's voice and Petrarch's strain
And Milton's matchless line
Would lend to my poor minstrel note
A harmony divine

Lady, I choose to be thy son;
for Mother thee I choose,
O, for thy sweet and holy Child
do not my claim refuse.

Alone and motherless am I
Tho' strong, I long for rest
The thunder of the world's applause
is not a Mother's breast.

Ave maria! Shield us all.
Thy sons we choose to be.
Mother of grace, we raise our hearts,
Our hearts, our love to thee.

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